Tuesday, August 18, 2009

An Inspiring Person Comes Knocking

One of my favourite portrait photographers is Zack Arias (www.zarias.com). In the past few days his blog has been host to a large public conversation on "jumping off the dock". That is, making that scary leap in life. The message is not to be afraid of your past or of the future, but to go after what you want in life. It was amazing to see the outpouring of responses from people who are standing on that dock, afraid to jump off. They are afraid, or simply don't know how to go about it. They wonder if they can make it. They hate their desk job that seems to suck the life out of them. They fear rejection. (You can check out the blog post and all the amazing responses here: http://www.zarias.com/?p=388 ).

The next day a door-to-door soap salesman knocked on Zack's door, or as Zack puts it "Our dog started barking and our door bell rang and God showed up on our front door in the form of a soap salesman. I opened the door and was bombarded by a well crafted 100 MPH sales pitch and I knew immediately that he was the response to many of the thoughts and questions on the blog."

Zack sat down with this man, Derrick. This guy is a convicted felon working door-to-door in the Georgia summer heat, peddling a product that is a tough sell. Rough job, huh? Well, watch the video below for some inspiration. Seriously, watch it.

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