Friday, January 28, 2011

Hey all you Photoshop-using Canadians!

Hey all you Photoshop-using Canadians!
NAPP now has a FB page just for us.
Just go to Facebook and search for "NAPP - Canada" or click on the title to this post to be taken there now.

Monday, January 24, 2011

App Recommendation -- Evernote

If you are looking for an app that can organize your notes & lists easily, and can sync them across devices and computers, look no further.  Welcome to Evernote.

Evernote is a free app that works on iPhones, iPods, iPads, Computers (Macs and PCs) and more.

Once you run Evernote you can easily create a text note (to-do list, shopping list), an audio note (voice reminder), a snapshot note with your smartphone's camera (a picture of where you parked at the mall perhaps?), or a note based on an existing picture on your phone (remember to call this person!).  It's remarkably easy!

Your newly created notes will then appear like a kind of post-it note, alongside your other post-it notes in the app.  You can just click on any note to view it, edit it, email it, print it, or delete it.

The best thing about it for me is that as soon as you change something in one of your notes (for example, adding something to your to-do list), that list immediately gets synced across all your devices that are running Evernote.  Make a change to your shopping list on your laptop and it will instantly appear on your iPhone.  Very useful indeed!

Check it out for free at the app store or at

Featured Picture of the Day (Jan 24 11)

Outside Osgoode Hall